The FOOT Foundation (Florida O & P Outreach Team) is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity.
All donations are tax deductible.


Dino Scanio is the clinic director and founder of the FOOT Foundation. Dino is an American Board Certified and State Licensed Orthotist in Tampa, Florida. He is in charge of selecting the country in need of O & P services and setting up an outreach clinic. Dino was honored with the South Tampa Spotlight Award for recognizing unsung heroes and the Physicians for Peace Volunteer of the year award for non-physicians. Both awards were given based on a long history of helping humanity.
Lisa Scanio is the co-founder and fundraising chair person. She is responsible for all aspects of fundraising and selecting the Florida charity seeking foundation assistance.
The husband and wife team have a long history with coordinating charity events for such organizations like Shriners Hospitals for Children, Friend of a Friend ALS Foundation and other non-profit organizations. Dino and Lisa are both Tampa natives and have been blessed with two sons. Their youngest son was diagnosed with Progressive Mitochondrial Disease in 2012. Therefore, they have also taken on the task of providing education and awareness about this disease through the Foundation.

It is with great excitement to announce that Lisa, on behalf of the FOOT Foundation, WON the Tampa Bay COVID-19 Heroes Award.

During times of uncertainty, it is moments like these that restore our faith and give us hope for a better tomorrow. Together, we must work towards making a difference. It’s not about politics, race or religion, but about human life and preserving humanity, no matter the situation.

We are proud to announce that Giovanni was awarded the BE INSPIRED Rising Star Award at the 2020 WEDU BE More Awards. Giovanni received this honor for his many efforts with the FOOT Foundation over the last 6 years. He exemplifies the fact that you are NEVER too young to make a difference! Please click on the photo below to see a slideshow of this special day.

On August 29, 2019, the FOOT Foundation was honored to receive a Commendation from the Tampa City Council. Please click on the photo below to see a slideshow of this special day!

The FOOT Foundation was granted the privilege and honor of supporting the “Code of Conduct for Humanitarian Organizations” by ISPO (International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics).
Please visit http://www.drfop.org/humanitarian
to view our listing and
ISPO symbol of approval.

The FOOT Foundation was awarded the BE EMPOWERED Award at the 2018 WEDU BE More Awards. We are excited and proud to have received this honor for our efforts over the past decade. Please click on the photo below to see a slideshow of this special day!

Dino was selected as an "Everyday Hero" on Bay News 9 in September, 2015. Watch the segment here!
The FOOT Foundation has been recognized in several publications for humanitarian efforts at home and abroad in Guatemala.
Please click on the links to the left to read published articles and press releases.
The FOOT Foundation supports Mitochondrial Disease Awareness and help for families who struggle with this diagnosis. Our son, Gianluca, was diagnosed with Progressive Mitochondrial Myopathy in September, 2012. Please click on the video below to see the tribute I created in honor of our son. If I can educate just one person about the effects of Mito, then this father's labor of love was a success.